Belly fat is dangerous! Excess abdominal fat is considered an important risk factor for – cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, infertility, hormonal imbalance, severe back and knee pain, hypertension.

A lot of us find it very tough to lose our stubborn belly fat, in spite of working out regularly. This could be because of various reasons – hormonal imbalance, too much stress, wrong diet, inadequate sleeping pattern, not doing the right kind of exercise.

Today’s Asana is the most simple yet effective way of reducing belly fat and increasing your core strength.

Phalakasana / Forearm Plank Pose

How to do Phalakasana / Forearm Plank Pose?

1. Begin with Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog.
2. Inhale and come to Marjaryasana / Cat Pose. Make sure your knees are positioned directly below your hips, your palms below your shoulders and your toes curled inwards.
3. Exhale and place your forearms on the floor shoulder-width apart.
4. Keep your elbows firm and press your palms against the floor. Make sure your elbows are perpendicular to your shoulders.
*You can also join your palms in Pranam Mudra or interlace your fingers.
5. Inhale and lift your knees off the floor. Straighten your knees and lengthen your torso.
6. Spread your body weight evenly on your forearms and toes.
7. Keep your gaze towards the floor.
8. Stay in this pose for 6 long breaths, or as long as you can.

To come out of this pose, bend your knees and rest them on the floor. Exhale and move to Balasana / Child’s Pose.

Benefits of Phalakasana / Forearm Plank Pose

Reduces belly fat and tones the abdomen.
Increases core strength.
Improves stamina.
Strengthens the forearms, wrists, shoulders and spine.

Who should avoid Phalakasana / Forearm Plank Pose?

Anyone suffering from high blood pressure, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or severe elbow, back, neck or shoulder injuries.

Feel free to leave your questions or suggestions in the comments section below.

I wish all the readers a very happy & healthy life!